Please follow this link to our waitlist page and fill out the online form to be added to the waitlist.
There are currently 150 names on the waitlist and a 3-4 year wait for new members.
Membership Update
Membership is full at this time.
NOTICE: Membership in the Monticello Rod and Gun Club Inc. is granted on an annual basis. Membership starts April 1st and ends March 31st of each year. Purchase/Carry Permits must be valid at time of membership renewal or your application will be denied.
Here are some links to help explain the membership level requirements and the application/renewal process.
Since the MRGC does not do background checks on members, we rely on Purchase/Carry Permits to ensure that this has been done, therefore: ALL MEMBERS must present a valid Permit to Purchase, Permit to Carry, OR a Minnesota state approved background check in order to renew or open a membership in the Monticello Rod and Gun Club. Active MILITARY or LAW ENFORCEMENT may present a valid Military/LEO ID. Membership will not be granted or renewed without this. Permits must be valid at time of renewal/application. State background checks must be within 30 days of application.
New members are required to attend at least one Member’s meeting by the end of December of their Probationary year. Any Probationary Member that does not attend a meeting by the end of December WILL NOT BE SENT A RENEWAL PACKET IN JANUARY, and will not be allowed to become a Shooting Member.
If ANY MEMBER fails to renew their membership, THEY WILL LOSE THEIR MEMBERSHIP! If they wish to rejoin the MRGC after this, they will be required to re-apply as a new member. This means you would need to place your name on the waitlist, wait until you move up the list, and start back as a Probationary Member. Membership renewals are in March each year and packets are mailed out far enough in advance that there is no reason to be unprepared
As we are using the mail-in process for membership renewals now, it is important that we have current contact information for members. We can’t mail renewal packets to you if we do not have your correct, up to date information. It is YOUR responsibility as a member to notify the Membership Coordinator if your contact information changes.
Thank you again to everyone for your continuing support of the Monticello Rod and Gun Club. If you have any questions on membership, please contact Mike Taylor at: